UNBOUND: Saybrook Insights with President Nathan Long

History as a Vehicle for Social Change and Progress with Historian and Professor, Dr. Eric Jackson

November 20, 2023 Nathan Long, President of Saybrook University

I am over the moon for today’s guest. This incredible human was a member of my doctoral committee back in the day and was a vital mentor to me during graduate school. Dr. Eric Jackson is a Professor of History and Director of the Black World Studies program at Northern Kentucky University; with almost twenty-eight years of academic experience at the university level, he has taught numerous classes in a variety of fields, such as "Introduction to Black Studies," "History of Race Relations in the Americas," "Historical Themes in African American History," "History of the New South," and the "War of Independence and the United States Constitution." Additionally, he’s published a wide array of book reviews and articles in many local, regional, national, and international journals, such as the "Journal of African American History," the "Journal of Negro Education," "Ohio History," the "International Journal of World Peace," and the "Journal of Pan African Studies." Currently, he serves on the editorial board. He has served as the Book Review Editor of the "Journal of Pan African Studies" and the "Northern Kentucky Heritage Magazine editorial board." This guy doesn’t stop and inspires me and so many students and colleagues. Today, we will explore his new book on Black Studies, which I had the privilege to review, along with his thoughts on history, Black history, and the current state of affairs in America.