UNBOUND: Saybrook Insights with the President

Yoga (and Integrative Health) for All with Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Student, Chinmay Surpur

Nathan Long, President of Saybrook University

I cannot tell you how excited I am to reconnect with today’s guest. Nearly three years ago, Chinmay was one of my first guests on this podcast – really at the pandemic's peak. I was inspired at the time by his passion and his focus. Today, we will check in with Chinmay as he heads into the final stages of his doctoral degree. A brief bio on Chinmay: Chinmay Surpur (ERYT, BS Neuroscience, M.A. Clinical Psychology) is the Director of Research at Yoga Bharati. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Clinical Psychology at Saybrook University. He has worked on initiating, completing, and publishing research studies at his Alma mater, UC Santa Barbara, and Yoga Bharati.

Links: Yoga Bharati