UNBOUND: Saybrook Insights with President Nathan Long

Eric Willmarth, Ph.D.: Just What in the World is Psychophysiology? A Scientific Approach to Whole Health

June 05, 2023 Eric Willmarth, Ph.D.:

My guest today is long-time faculty member Dr. Eric Willmarth, our program chair for the psychophysiology program. He is a fully licensed clinical psychologist who has worked for the past 30+ years in chronic pain management and is certified in Biofeedback, Clinical Hypnosis, and Pain Management. Beginning college as a Music Major, he played bassoon in the orchestra, trombone in the jazz band, and guitar in a rock band. This particular episode is dedicated to understanding psychophysiology's whats, whys, and wherefores and how it ties into mental and physical health. (Hint: it does in a big way!) And who knows, we might also get into some music talk given our mutual backgrounds…